Friday, October 14, 2011

6 days.

Found this on one of the blogs which I read yesterday, it's to remind myself NEVER to binge again because the feeling of: being over bloated with my stomach stretched out so much it hangs out on the sides of my hips, that's a feeling I don't want to be reminded of.

Plus, I've got a stomach made of iron & steel. So strong, no amount of vomit inducing will make me purge.
Everything gets digested... Great.

Good morning by the way! I just woke up to an ultimate feeling of bloatedness once again. The first thing I did was to step on the scales and thank God, I haven't gained.
I weighed myself yesterday after what I call "The Ultimate Binge" and I've gained 1kg. So maybe all those wasn't really digested after all! :D

I did jumping jacks while watching Friends last night, my arms are sore. That's a good start!

Read many many blogs as well.. All those thinspo made me miss the me 2 months ago. That's before the constant binge-ing, causing me to gain all my weight back in a month. :(
Something to remember: "Easy on the cookies okay. Remember, those are just food, they're not love."

Most of the time, I binge because I feel empty. Even after a big meal, I just can't stop.
Which is what happened yesterday.
I REMEMBER feeling full, then I REMEMBER feeling super full.. BUT I went to get more food anyway.
African children are crying and starving, and here I am wasting food when I don't even need them.

I have got to lose the weight, wedding in 6 days.
Less than a week.

Then another problem arise: Will I even be able to control myself during the wedding and not spam eat all the food? Argh.

Whatever. More jumping jacks today, I must not have 'butterfly wings'.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you about the bingeing, I'm full but just keep going. Its like I check-out mentally...I haven't had one of those moments is a while. Its been a test of will power tho.
