Sunday, October 9, 2011


Yesterday night, I dreamt of you being in the same place as I was. We weren't together, we didn't see each other. Then by chance, we walked past each other, you coming towards me & me towards you. I didn't look at you, I don't know if you looked at me.

Your mom then spoke to me, solemn and serious. "I know we've been trying to pretend or act like everything is okay." I told her I felt cheated and the fact that at first you seem to have no willpower to let me go, then after the 'incident', you seem to have new-found superpower of infinite willpower. She hit me.

I don't know what this all mean, but I can do nothing about it.
I want to be back with you, but what can I do? I can't because it's wrong. It's wrong because it would 'reverse all that that I've done'. God forgives, I should move on. But satan works hard, doesn't he? I'm not even going to give satan the capital s because I'm not going to acknowledge his un-awesome presence.

When I was doing this blog about a year ago, I haven't had this problem. I just wanted to be skinny because I've never been skinny before.
Now, I just want to be skinny, because I know I can.
Everything is about hard work. There's grace, of course there is. I just wish I could be blessed with skinniness as well.
That girl got it, didn't she? :\

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